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歌谱:song and emotion(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Here's the TAB for the intro parts (as requested here recently). This is
how I play it on one guitar (there are actually two guitars playing slightly
different parts).

"Song & Emotion" - Tesla

Dsus2 G/B Cadd9 G/B


Gm/Bb A7sus4 A7


It continues this pattern through for awhile and then when they get to the
line that says, "There was a time, there was a day...", it goes like this:
(I'm starting with the last measure of the above pattern, on the A7 chord)

A7 Fmaj7 C/E

Dm Dsus2 Fmaj7
/P\ sl

C/E Dm Dsus2sus4?

Then for the part that starts at the line: "Then he starts to play. Suddenly
the pain slowly fades away...", you do the following:


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