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歌谱:im gonna crawl(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

To: All guitarists
From: Les Paul (zil@masterpiece.com)
Subject: I'm Gonna Crawl

Seeing as how I am the undisputed Led Zeppelin fan in the world, I have
decided to supply the missing zep songs to nevada.edu. Yes, I know, 'tis a
brutal task, but I can do it, because I burn lambs to my Jimmy Page icon. So
with no further ado:

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I'm Gonna Crawl =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
In Through The Out Door
by Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, & John Paul Jones

Chords: v = downstroke XX = Percussive sound
C - 032010 \ = slide up with no pitch
Am - 002210 / = slide down (5) = Suggested note
A - 355433
Ab - 577655

To play this song, Page uses a guitar set on distortion, but the
volume knob on it is turn down to a point near clean tone; with just
a little hint of crunch to it. The three way (or 5 way) is in the
treble position.

Riff 1:

C Am
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