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歌谱:broken wings(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:Darkest Hour 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Darkest Hour - Broken Wings Tabbed by John Tulip - kennyg14_jt@hotmail.com
Downtune 1 whole step, Drop-D

There are actually 3 Guitars playing during the course of this song. All Acoustics, in the same tuning i believe.
Gtr. 2 we'll call it is just playing over top of the main riff, and Gtr. 3 is pretty much a simple filler that
you can kind of hear in the back. You could do without guitar 3, and this song would still be very melodic.

Gtr. 1 - Main Riff
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