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歌谱:this is the sea(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

From tamsun.tamu.edu!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!mcsun!ieunet!tcdcs!unix2.tcd.ie!bfrrelly Mon Dec 14 14:12:27 PST 1992
Article: 583 of rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature
Newsgroups: rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature
Path: nevada.edu!tamsun.tamu.edu!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!mcsun!ieunet!tcdcs!unix2.tcd.ie!bfrrelly
From: bfrrelly@unix2.tcd.ie (Jerry Cornelius)
Subject: Re: REQ: Waterboys' "This Is The Sea"
Message-ID: <bfrrelly.724335089@unix2.tcd.ie>
Keywords: Waterboys this is the sea crd
Sender: usenet@cs.tcd.ie (NN required at ashe.cs.tcd.ie)
Nntp-Posting-Host: unix2.tcd.ie
Organization: Trinity College, Dublin
References: <1992Dec12.102840.14741@netcom.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1992 12:11:29 GMT
Lines: 60

In <1992Dec12.102840.14741@netcom.com> eamon@netcom.com (Charles E Taggart) writes:

>Sorry to post yet another REQ, but the subject says it all. Anybody got
>this one? Perhaps it's just laziness, but I'd rather see if someone else
>has figured this one out before starting to slog through it myself.
>Currently working on "When Will We Be Married" from FISHERMAN'S BLUES, and
>will post it if there's interest.

Now, do not quote me on this, and I'm not very good on chord names
and I do not know the song too well but here is how I reckon it.

E-----Eadd9----Asus2----Asus2 twidly bit...

Hey, that explains loads!!!

now to explain the chords cos I know I named them incorrectly.

E as a normal E

Eadd9 ---------------------

Asus2 --------

The twidly bit is done by playing Asus2 and droping on to the bottom
e (high) string on and off i.e.


you see, on and off on the bottom string.

And repeat and nauseum!!!

I know this is probably the worst tab ever seen on the group,
but if you have any problem or know what the real names of the chords
are, do post!!!


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