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歌谱:when irish eyes are smiling (chorus)(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:chauncey olcott and george graff, jr 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

written by chauncey olcott
and george graff, jr

3/4 time - moderately.

6 5 5 -4 4 5 6
when i - rish eyes are smil-ing

5 4 -5 -6 7 -6 6
sure it's like a morn in spring

-6 ? ; ;- ; ; p; p;6

p;t p;li p; p;i-ri p;laugh-ter

p p; p; p; p p;-4
y p;c p;he p;t p;an-ge p;sing

wh p; p;ri p;hear p;a p;hap-py

a p;t p;wor p;see p;brig p;a p;gay

p; p p p; p p p;-6
a p;wh p;i-ri p;ey p;a p;smil-ing,

p p; p s sp s sp;7
s sp;t sp;ste sp;y sp;he s s sp;way.

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