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歌谱:too like you(TXT吉他谱)

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Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 16:53:43 0100
From: Ben Smith <ben.ufton@pop3.hiway.co.uk>
Subject: m/money_mark/too_like_you.crd

Too Like You - Money Mark

Writen by Mark Ramos-Nishita

Transcribed by Ben Smith (ben.ufton@pop3.hiway.co.uk)

On the album "Push The Button"

C G C Bb F
Compromise, I have know, baby too like you
C G C Bb F
I realise, I'm the guilty one, baby too like you

G# F
Take me away, take me to sunshine
G# F C G
Tell me things that prove you are all mine

Fortified, with the undue, baby too like you
Got a wish, to stay alive, baby too like you

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