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歌谱:once around the block(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Badly Drawn Boy
Once Around The Block

What a great song, in fact what a great album. This is just a simple version of "Once Around"
until someone can upload a better one. Surely someone can tab a full version with better
chords and the accompanying electric guitar bit!
Altogether now... "Ba da la ba da daaa, doobadooaa!!!"

I'm not gonna pretend I know the proper chords or what wierd effects box he uses,
just that if you get the rythym right using these chords it can sound pretty good.

Am -x02210
Em -022000
F -133211
G -320003 OR 355433 (whatever you find easier or sounds better)

Use these chords througout the whole song, they just repeat.
It should be easy to work out from listening to the song.

Am Em F G x8

Am Em F
You quiver like a candle on fire
I'm putting you out
Am Em F G
Maybe tonight we could be the last shout
Am Em F G
But I'm fascinated by your style
Am Em F G
Your beauty will last for a while

Am Em F G x2

2.(Same as 1)
You're feeling instead of being
The more that I live on the inside
There's nothing to give,
I'm infatuated by your moves
I'm got to search out for your clues

3.(Same as 1)
I want to repair your desire
And call it a gift that I store from, just wanting to live
Now I see the vision through your eyes
Your innocence no longer fuels surprise

4.(Same as 1)
Trying to outrun your fear
Your running to lose, heart on your sleeve
And your soul in your shoes
Take a left, a sharp left
And another left, meet me on the corner
And we'll start again.

David McLaughlin
Send any comments to daveinthedumps@another.com
And before you complain, it's a SIMPLE version.
If I knew how to play it like Badly Drawn Boy does I would have tabbed that.

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