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歌谱:dance dance dance(TXT吉他谱)

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Received: from vax1.elon.edu (vax1.elon.edu []) by post-office.nevada.edu (8.6.4/8.6.4) with SMTP id RAA28199 for <jamesb@nevada.edu>; Thu, 24 Feb 1994 17:12:25 -0800
Received: by vax1.elon.edu (MX V3.3 VAX) id 23247; Thu, 24 Feb 1994 20:12:07 EST
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 1994 20:11:55 EST
From: Steve Vetter <vetters@vax1.elon.edu>
To: jamesb@nevada.edu
Message-ID: <0097A8D9.DD6B85D0.23247@vax1.elon.edu>
Subject: DAnce Dance Dance - Steve Miller BAnd

CRDs and Lyrics by
Steve Vetter <vetters@vax1.elon.edu>
Kyle L Saunders <ksaunder@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>

Dance, Dance, Dance - Steve Miller Band

My grandpa he's ninty-five
G D7
he keeps on dancing he's still alive
My grandma she's ninty-two
G D7
she loves to dance and sing some too
I don't know but I've been told
G D7
if you keep on dancing you'll never grow old
So come on darlin' put a pretty dress on
G D7
we're gonna go out tonight

C C/B (x22010) Am7 D7 G
Dance Dance Dance (All night long)

I'm a hard workin man/I'm a sun of a gun/
I been workin all week in the noonday sun/
the wood's in the kitchen/ the cow's in the barn/
I'm all cleaned up and my chores are all done/
Take my hand/come along/let's go out and have some fun/
Come on darlin' put a pretty dress on/
we're gonna go out tonight/


Well come on darlin'/don't you look that way/
don't know when you smile I've got to say/
You're my honey-pumpkin-lover/you're my heart's delight/
don't you want to go out tonight/
You're such a pretty lady/ you're such a sweet girl/
when you dance it brightens up my world/
Come on darlin put a pretty dress on/
we're gonna go out tonight


% Steve Vetter % I'm not the same %
% vetters@vax1.elon.edu % As I was long ago %
% Elon College % I've learned some new things %
% Love School of Business % And I hope that it shows... %
% Alpha Kappa Psi % - Neil Young %

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