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歌谱:fixing to die rag(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

From: phillip@jura.hgu.mrc.ac.uk (Phillip Lord)
Subject: Re: REQ: Country Joe McDonald song

This is called the "fixing to die rag"

It is actually in Nevada, but they has different chords to the way I play
it. Heres what I do

Well Come on all you big strong men

Uncle sam needs your help again

Hes got hiself in a fuck of a jam

G G7
Way down yonder in South Vietnam

C Cmin G
So put down your books and pick up your guns

E A7 D7
cause were gonna have a whole lot of fun

D7 A7 D7
And its one two three

G D7
what are we fighting for, dont ask me I dont give a damn

next stop is vietnam

D7 A7 D7 G G7
and its five six seven open up the pearly gates

CCmin GE
well there aint no time to wonder why

whoppie were all going to die

Well thats it roughly. I think I have the chords in the right places, but
I dont have my guitar with me so I not entirely sure. You should find that it
comes together mostly. The C Cmin G bit is best played at the third fret as a
barre. I always play this fairly fast, and loud. Its actually quite a party
piece. There is after all nothing quite like at 20 year old Vietnam protest song
to prove what an irrelevant washed out old hippie that you really are

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