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视频:萨克斯大师Sherrod Jr.访问萨克斯专业维修店

类别:萨克斯 用户:musicmedic 发布日期:10年前 播放次数:331
TAGS: spring
视频介绍: Art Sherrod Jr. stopped by the shop in late November to pick up his newly Uberhauled horns. We were thrilled to have him in-house, and we walked him through the ProShop, explaining each of the stations his horns went through during the Uberhauls. We also showed Art some basic repair techniques that he can use while he's on the road to keep his horns in tip-top shape, and made some minor adjustments to get the horns feeling and playing just the way Art wanted.
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axl25781506(221626)  2015-03-11 13:12:18
国内可以买到你们的工具吗?有没有联系电话 请告知
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